Dramatically Increase Your Beauty Business Income in the Next 3 Months...

With Personal Coaching From Tanny & Glen

Apply for a FREE Strategy Session Here!


Listen to These Testimonials:


Here's a Bunch More Artists That Experienced Amazing Growth as a Result of Our Coaching. You Can Join Them!

Why Get Coaching From Tanny & Glen:

  1. You want to increase your income 10x and FAST!
  2. You want us to personally dive deep into YOUR business and help you grow it!
  3. You want to skip the time & frustration of figuring it out yourself
  4. You want us to study your situation and tell you EXACTLY what YOU need to do to grow FAST!

What Artists Are Saying:

Apply for a FREE Strategy Session Here!

Why is Tanny Qualified to Help You?

Starting out in PMU in 2018, with no previous experience, Tanny has reached the absolute top of the industry, having built a hugely successful studio that includes staff, multiple locations, and a products business!


Tanny has amassed one of the largest Instagram followings in the entire PMU industry. If anyone KNOWS how to build an Instagram following it's Tanny:


Tanny's courses have almost all sold out on a monthly basis for nearly 3 years!


If you wish to achieve a 6 figure income in PMU, with our coaching, you'll be learning from someone who has done it many times over.

Apply for a FREE Strategy Session Here!

Why is Glen Qualified to Help You?


Glen built the #1 PhiAcademy in the world and built Beauty Angels Academy from scratch into an internationally recognized academy along with his partner Kler. His academies have had over 4,000 students.


Glen has personally mentored 100+ artists who have achieved 6 figures and many who have grown into successful trainers and the leaders in the industry that you likely follow today.



If you desire to achieve a 6 figure income, with our coaching, you'll be mentored by someone who has has helped many other artists just like you to achieve this result already.

Your FREE Strategy Session:

Apply For a FREE, 30 Minute Live Strategy Session With Both Tanny & Glen Today:

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